
Lineage 2 Brasil

Informações de Caught Homunculus (Level 60)

Tipo: Magic Creatures HP: 3054
Título: Nenhum Physical Atk: 860
Atenção: Passivo Magic Atk: 478
Experiência: 6200 Velocidade: 176
SP: 538 Área de vísão e/ou ataque: 40
Fraquezas e Skills de Caught Homunculus
Strong M. Def. Strong M. Def.   
Light Armor Type Light Armor Type  Weak P. Def. and strong Evasion. 
Magic Creatures Magic Creatures  The common name for the biotechnological items of the Magic and Titan Ages. Their M. Atk. is generally strong and they sometimes use high-skill magic, such as teleportation. 
Greater Resist Sleep Greater Resist Sleep  Very resistant to sleep attacks. 
Greater Resist Hold Greater Resist Hold  Very resistant to hold attacks. 

Drops de Caught Homunculus

Clique no nome do Item para ver mais informações

Ícone Nome Chance(Rate 1x) Quantidade Detalhes
Cygnus Pole Cygnus Pole 1/16393 1 - 1 Detalhes 
Fishing Shot: A-grade Fishing Shot: A-grade 1/4 3 - 9 Detalhes 
Green Colored Lure - High Grade Green Colored Lure - High Grade 1/12 2 - 6 Detalhes 
Purple Colored Lure - High Grade Purple Colored Lure - High Grade 1/4 1 - 1 Detalhes 
Yellow Colored Lure - High Grade Yellow Colored Lure - High Grade 1/18 2 - 6 Detalhes