
Lineage 2 Brasil

O líder do clã pode adquirir skills passivas, que atingem todos os membros do clã, para isso é preciso pagar uma certa quantia de Reputation Points e alguns itens específicos. Você pode descobrir mais vantagens dos clãs de Lineage 2 clicando aqui. Lembrando que para um clã poder pegar skills ele deve estar no nível 5 ou superior.

(Para ver os nomes dos itens requeridos na tabela, deixe o cursor do mouse sobre o ícone).

Skills de Clan Level 5

Selecione o Level: 

Clan Vitality Clan Vitality Increases clan members' Max HP. It only effects those who are of an Heir class or higher. 1 Earth Egg: A-Grade 500
Clan Vitality Clan Vitality Increases clan members' Max HP. It only effects those who are of an Heir class or higher. 2 Earth Egg: A-Grade 500
Clan Vitality Clan Vitality Increases clan members' Max HP. It only effects those who are of an Heir class or higher. 3 Earth Egg: A-Grade 500
Clan Lifeblood Clan Lifeblood Increases the clan members' HP regeneration. Only affects Heir class and above. 1 Destruction Tombstone 500
Clan Lifeblood Clan Lifeblood Increases the clan members' HP regeneration. Only affects Heir class and above. 2 Destruction Tombstone 500
Clan Lifeblood Clan Lifeblood Increases the clan members' HP regeneration. Only affects Heir class and above. 3 Destruction Tombstone 500
Clan Magic Protection Clan Magic Protection Increases clan members' M. Def. It only effects those who are of an Heir class or higher. 1 Dragon Heart: A-Grade 500
Clan Magic Protection Clan Magic Protection Increases clan members' M. Def. It only effects those who are of an Heir class or higher. 2 Dragon Heart: A-Grade 500
Clan Magic Protection Clan Magic Protection Increases clan members' M. Def. It only effects those who are of an Heir class or higher. 3 Dragon Heart: A-Grade 500
Clan Imperium Clan Imperium Grants the privilege of Command Channel formation. It only effects Sage / Elder class and above. 1 Destruction Tombstone 0